Original Antiq Westclock 2

Here's a beautiful and extremely clean Lenzkirch mantle clock that is coming out of the collection of a major player. We're proud to present it for your consideration...
Physical: The burled and gilded case measures 7.5"w x 15"h x 4.5"d. The finish on the wood is original; it has been polished and is in excellent physical condition; same with the gilding. The 3.5" diameter dial is in excellent condition and has "cartouche"-style numerals.
Mechanical: The 8-day time and bell-strike movement has serial number 715895 which you can see on the dating chart puts its date of manufacture at 1890. It has been professionally serviced and is in excellent running order. One very nice thing about this particular clock that is not on all the small Lenzkirch mantle clocks is that you can see the pendulum; most are blocked off so you only see the case.
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